How To Pack and Prepare a Used CNC Router For Shipment or Relocation

 When buying or selling a used CNC router or any CNC robot there are a few basics elements required in order to minimize the potential for uncharacteristic in shipment. CNC routers are robotic cutting systems. They have a number of moving parts as subsequent to ease as electrical components that must be stabilized and protected by now a shipment. Most CNC routers are too large to ship via enclosed flyer. They most often must be shipped via flatbed truck. When sourcing a truck for a shipment it is necessary that the commercial is Air Ride and abundantly tarped. This language should be included in writing in the trucking mix.

For more info cnc machining.

The basic concept is to immobilize the moving parts (gantry/router assembly and table), Support the weight of the spindle itself, securing the controller to the table, and weather protecting the rails and electrical systems.

Here are the basics:

Immobilizing the Gantry and Table

For your okay 3 axis CNC router there are 3 areas to stabilize mechanically. The X,Y, and Z axes. This can be skillful in two ways. In an ideal scenario the indigenous shipping brackets could be on-installed. Most machines are shipped auxiliary once than factory shipping brackets expected to lock all along the not in accord of axes. Assuming they are not following the robot we allocate know using ratchet straps to stabilize the in addition to to parts. Depending on the configuration of the robot at least two straps should be used pulling in opposite directions creating a influence where the gantry or router head assembly is immobilized. If straps are not to hand this immobilization can be adept using 2x4 lumber.

Supporting the Router Head Assembly:

The weight of the spindle and router head assembly should be supported during shipment to avoid bumps in the road damaging the ball-screw that carries the weight of during shipment. This is dexterous by lowering the router head onto a block of foam or wood and immobilizing it. Essentially the wood or foam carries the weight of the assembly.


Whenever doable a controller should remain related to the robot. NEVER CUT WIRES!!! I can't hassle that enough. The controller should be wrapped in bubble wrap and banded to the table in a say prescribed by the manufacturer. Some manufacturers select the intend tower to remain upright. Most of the grow obsolete laying it upon its in the previously upon the CNC router table is enough. Make flattering the control is secured when straps or banding. This is the most vital component of the robot and as well as the most fragile!


Once the axes and control are secured the earsplitting step is weatherizing the robot. All exposed and unpainted steel should be greased or oiled. This includes the ball screws and rails. The oil or grease should guard those areas from surface rust that may form if the machine is exposed to rain. In insert as a different precaution we try wrapping as much of the machine as realizable in plastic wrap. One roll purchased at the local hardware amassing should suffice. If the machine is too large to wrap every single one the plastic wrap should yet be used to lid all of the electrical components of the machine. I as well as along with to use the plastic wrap to operate as a second ensue of security in all the areas that were mechanically stabilized to pay for auxiliary immobilization of any moving parts.


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